Palliative Care Managment in RACF

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Course features
  • Author: Inas Karem
  • Video time: 30 Mins
  • Exam: out of 20
  • Level: All staff working in the aged care sector, both in the community and in residential aged care facilities. 
  • Topics discussed: Advance care planning, Advance care directives, The palliative approach, Recognising the dying process, Using an end of life care plan. 
Course overview
This Course identifies that with the expansion of palliative care in the community, there is a potential gap in the workforce of clinicians and carers that can provide competent quality palliative care services. Primary healthcare providers need to know how to discuss advance care planning with people both in the community and within residential aged care facilities.
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Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply the concept of advance care planning (ACP) to clinical situations to effectively recognise when it is appropriate to commence an ACP conversation.
  2. Implement a palliative approach to care to improve the quality of life.
  3. Identify when a care recipient is in the final stages of life to best ensure the person experiences a peaceful and dignified death.