Unplanned weight loss in Aged Care in Aged Care Facilities

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Course features
  • PDF download
  • Level: RNs and Care Staff
  • Study time: 45 mins
  • Video time: 30 mins
  • Test your knowledge
Course overview
Unplanned weight loss occurs in aged care settings when an older person experiences an unintentional reduction in body mass.
Learn about how to identify residents with weight loss concerns, potential risks associated with unplanned weight loss and some recommended interventions to put in place.
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National quality indicator program
According to the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program, there are two categories of unplanned weight loss:
  1. Significant unplanned weight loss, where a person loses greater than or equal to 5% of their body weight within three months.
  2. Consecutive unplanned weight loss, where a person loses any amount of weight every month for three months in a row.
Learn how to calculate your NQIP data